About SVT

Finnish Loss Survey SVT Ltd. is a specialist company whose purpose is to produce expert damage inspection and damaged vehicle realisation services in Finland. Our customer base consists of major insurance and automobile sector companies.

Our company started operations in 1992 by carrying out damage inspections on vehicles, boats, machinery and other technical equipment for the majority of Finnish insurance companies. Today, damage inspections still make up a significant proportion of our business volume.

In spring 2010, we engaged in the business of realising damaged vehicles through an online store. Since then, close to 30,000 vehicles and other damaged goods bought by insurance companies have been realised through our online store. The majority of the vehicles realised by us are made up of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles and boats. We also produce logistical services related to the sales of damaged vehicles for insurance companies together with our contract partner network.

Our company also produces prior inspection services related to fire and safety risk management for buses, machinery, forestry machines and boats. We also produce accident analysis services to verify the various causes of traffic accidents.

In the automobile sector we co-operate with the Finnish Central Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs to enhance the development of the quality of accident repairs. We conduct accident repair rating audits and provide the automobile sector with consultancy in matters related to repair quality inspection and quality development.

Our company employs around 50 professionals in vehicle technology and damaged vehicle sales. Through our nationwide network of locations we are able to provide the services quickly and with local conditions in mind. Our operations are guided by a quality management system certified according to ISO 9001:2008.

In addition to the quality of customer service, impartiality and confidential customer relationships are important cornerstones for our company. These are also emphasised in our values:

  • We operate fairly and responsibly
  • We help our customers succeed by performing meaningful work
  • We succeed together

In line with our vision, we want to be the most valued partner and the most coveted employer in our industry.

Finnish Loss Survey Ltd. is a subsidiary of Suvia Group. www.suviagroup.com

Instructions for a damage inspection customer: what to do when damage has occurred

Motor vehicle accident

(compensation from your own motor vehicle insurance)

Submit a damage report to your own insurance company by phone or online.

The insurance company will make a compensation decision based on the damage report.

In the case of theft or vandalism, also file a report of offence to the police.

The damages can be inspected at the inspection station or at the repair shop.

At the inspection station, the extent of the damage is stated and a compensation method is agreed on (repair, lump-sum compensation, buy-in).

If the chosen compensation method is repair, book a repair time at the repair shop.

Once the repair shop has received the invoicing clearance (the compensation decision has been made and the damage will be compensated), the repair shop sends the invoice directly to the insurance company.

The customer pays the deductible to the repair shop during the delivery of the vehicle.

In the case of car damage, compensation for loss of use is only paid under business interruption insurance that must be taken out separately.

Traffic accident

(compensation from the guilty party’s insurance)

Make sure that the guilty party submits a damage report to his or her own insurance company without delay by phone or through the website.

The damages caused to the innocent party are compensated from the traffic insurance of the party responsible for the damages.

In unclear situations you may use your own car insurance policy (see Motor vehicle accident instructions)

Agree on the inspection of the damages with the insurance company liable for compensation.

During the damage inspection, the extent of the damage is stated and a compensation method is agreed on (repair, lump-sum compensation, buy-in).

Book a repair time at the repair shop.

After receiving the invoicing clearance, the repair shop charges the insurance company directly for the repairs.

The insurance company compensates for loss of use of your car based on the non-usability certificate (attached to the repair shop’s invoice). The compensation is determined based on the Motor Liability Insurance Act.

If you apply for compensation for the costs of a rental car, you need to fill in a report of necessity. You can find the form on the website of the insurance company liable for compensation or you can file the report by phone.

If the repair shop is fully booked, agree on temporary repair with the inspector and the repair shop.

SVT’s contact details:

Finnish Loss Survey SVT Ltd.
Takomotie 1–3, 00380 Helsinki
(Headquarters, no customer service)

Service number 020 690 007, options

1. Advice and appointments
2. Damaged vehicle sales
3. Telephone switchboard

SVT’s service centre’s email address is: palvelukeskus@www.svt.fi

Sales and management

Name Title Phone number
Janne Aho Director of Operations +358 20 5577 452
Tero Juntunen Regional Manager/South +358 20 5577 215
Markku Sääskilahti Regional Manager/North +358 20 5577 792
Marko Suomela Regional Manager/Damaged vehicle sales +358 20 5577 050

Whistleblowing channel